Go-op is a co-operative rail operator preparing open access services for Somerset and Wiltshire.
We’re pleased to announce that our first application for track access has been approved by the Office of Rail and Road – and our share offer is now live on Crowdfunder!
What is open access rail?

Not all rail services are specified by government and awarded through competitions – find out about how communities can do it themselves.
About co-operatives

Co-ops have been successful in sectors from retail to housing, energy to telecoms. It’s just a smarter way to do business. Find out more.
“In an age where community involvement and partnerships with civil society are increasingly being recognized as indispensable, there is clearly a growing potential for cooperative development and renewal worldwide.”
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, September 2017
We’re part of an international movement of businesses following seven core principles: open membership, one member one vote, fair and equitable use of capital, autonomy, education and sustainable development. Find out more at Co-operatives UK, and the International Co-operative Alliance.