As a co-operative, we are owned and run by our members. If you are interested in what we are doing and would like to help us on our journey, we would love to hear from you. You can sign up as a member, volunteer, or invest in us.
We understand that not everyone has time or money to spare – if you don’t, please consider sharing Go-op’s story either by telling those around you or on Social Media.
As a co-operative, we are open to membership from anyone who fits into the requirements.
We are what is called a multi-stakeholder co-operative, meaning that we have different kinds of membership to offer different people – in our case, we have 3 different groups.
All members can participate in General Meetings and have their vote on a range of decisions, including voting for, or putting themselves forward to be on, the Board of Directors.
Once we are up and running, we hope to have local members meetings around each of our stations, where local members can come together and share with us any changes or improvements they would like to see.
- Open to anyone who works for Go-op
- We hope this category will grow as we start running services
Traveller or Prospective Traveler
- Live in Somerset or Wiltshire
- Plan on using our services
- Minimum investment of £25 but can invest more
Social Investor
- Don’t live in Somerset or Wiltshire
- Don’t plan on using services
- Minimum investment of £500 but can invest more
We have just filed some rules updates with the FCA, the governing body of co-operatives. Once we have their approval, we will upload the new rules here for you to see.
As a start up organisation, there is always more to do and we would be grateful to hear from anyone who is willing to help out.
We are particularly interested in hearing from people with knowledge of:
– Rail Industry
– Community Engagement
– Social Media, Communications and Marketing
– Bookkeeping
We also have a couple of spaces on our Board of Directors if anyone is looking for a more formal volunteering role.
If you would like to volunteer, please get in touch via the contact information below and let us know a bit about you and what you might be able to help with.
We also ask that you let us know if you are/have:
– Computer literate
– Able to come in to Taunton office at times; or able to work from
home, using a PC & internet connection
– Good written English
– Knowledge of railway industry at operational level
– Knowledge of railway industry at managerial level
We will also be offering Apprenticeships once we have approval from the Office of Rail and Road. For more information on the kind of Apprenticeships we are hoping to offer, see this page.